Over 50 Years of Experience in Plumbing And Drains
We're Ready to serve you

Plumbing Repair Service in Toronto

Plumbing Repair Services

Whether your home is brand new, historic, or somewhere in between, you’ll sometimes encounter plumbing issues requiring professional plumbing repairs. At Brothers Plumbing, after over five decades in the plumbing business, we’ve seen it all and are ready to assess and repair any plumbing issues that come our way.

It’s essential to have a trusted and experienced plumbing company to address plumbing issues to protect your property and ensure everything is done according to code.

Our experienced, licensed and insured plumbing crew can expertly offer cost-effective solutions designed to save you money now and in the long term by prolonging the life of your plumbing while improving water efficiency.

From clogs to leaks and major drain issues to faucet and toilet repairs, we offer comprehensive plumbing repair services to address all your plumbing woes.

Signs of Plumbing Problems

Often, your plumbing gives early warning signs that something is wrong. It helps to understand common signs of plumbing problems, as the sooner you address the issues, the less damage they can cause. If you notice any of the following, it’s time to call in the pros at Brothers Plumbing:

If any of these things sound familiar, having our crew assess your plumbing before things get worse is best.

Our Plumbing Repair Services

Brothers Plumbing offers a comprehensive list of plumbing repair services to resolve all your plumbing issues, including but not limited to:

Faucet Repair

Whether it’s a persistent drip, leaking around the tap or handles, or water coming out too fast or too slow, we can assess your faucet and repair all leading faucet brands. We’ll reduce water wastage and the risk of water damage quickly and efficiently.

Toilet Repair

You don’t want to risk toilet issues that can lead to overflows, burst pipes, or waste leaking into your living space.

Whether you have a clog you can’t clear, notice your toilet tends to fill up quickly as soon as you flush, or discover unpleasant smells in your bathroom; we strongly advise you to call in the experts to avoid unpleasant disasters involving human waste. We are certified to work on every type, age, and brand of toilet that is available.

Frozen Pipe Repair

Whether it’s the pipes inside your garage, in your garden, or your home, when pipes are poorly insulated or not properly drained in the fall, pipes can burst when water in exposed pipes freezes.

We can drain the pipes, make repairs, add insulation and even show you how to prep your pipes in the fall to avoid future issues.


It’s common to hear dripping or see signs of leaks, but not know where the water is coming from. We use leading-edge technology to find the source and make repairs to protect your home from further water damage and ongoing water waste that costs you money.

Commercial Plumbing Repair Service

Your business needs to remain operational to serve your customers and produce revenue. Plumbing issues can be devastating to your business, disrupting operations, slowing down production, interfering with customer flow, and reducing the level of service you take pride in offering your customers every day.

Our commercial plumbing services are designed to keep your business running, reduce costs, and avoid costly damage to your property, reputation, and inventory.

Whether you’re a retailer, restaurant, office, industrial/manufacturer, or health/dental facility, Brothers Plumbing offers commercial plumbing repair and emergency services, including quick assessments, accurate estimates and repairs on the spot.

When plumbing issues are not dealt with promptly, your business risks serious damage, including sewage backups and water damage. We can also recommend maintenance services to prevent damage and costly issues, such as drain cleaning, faucet repairs, pipe repairs, and more.

You can trust us to offer cost-effective solutions using the most advanced plumbing methods and the highest quality materials.

Emergency Plumbing Repair Service

Around-the-clock availability distinguishes Brothers Plumbing from other commercial plumbing companies that are only available during “business hours.”

We understand that every minute counts for your business when a plumbing emergency occurs. Our 7 days a week commercial emergency plumbing service means you never have to wait when a plumbing crisis threatens your business assets.

As a result, we prioritize emergency calls to ensure we have someone available to arrive quickly, assess the issue and offer on-the-spot solutions to get your business up and running as soon as possible.

Although our plumbing company views every plumbing call with an equal sense of importance, we prioritize emergency calls for our emergency plumbing service, so our customers know they can rely on us. We are ready to address all of your commercial plumbing emergencies, including:

Ready to Resolve Your Plumbing Issues? Contact Us Today!

Whether a plumbing emergency strikes or less urgent repairs are required, don’t hesitate to call the experts at Brothers Plumbing.

We take pride in quickly resolving your issues with affordable solutions to protect your home or business designed to help save money in the long term. Click here to reach out to us today.

SN Sid & Nancy
Nancy and I would like to thank Brothers Plumbing for their professional management of a serious drainage problem that suddenly developed at our...
A Angelina
Hi Cindy, I just wanted to thank your company and especially the three gentlemen who worked on our home: Harold Peter, Ken Fowler and Frederick...
C Cindy
Good afternoon, One of your guys just did a quick repair job at our house and my husband said the guy was great. It didn’t take long, and he felt...

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